Man looks in the mirror

5 important male hormones - interesting facts

Our bodies are complex and many of the functions we take for granted are controlled by hormones. Some of these influential substances differ between the sexes: there are hormones that are more prevalent in women and those that are mainly found in men. Typically male hormones are also called androgens. In this blog post, we'll focus on five important male hormones and explain how they can affect your life. Whether it's your physique, your mood, or your sex life, hormones play an important role, including in your life.

Man looks in the mirror

5 important androgens

There is a whole range of hormones that play a major role in men. They are called androgens. These 5 are among the most important androgens:

1. testosterone

The best known and most important male sex hormone is testosterone. It is produced primarily in the testes, but also to a lesser extent in the adrenal glands. Women also have testosterone in their bodies, albeit in small amounts. Testosterone ensures sperm production, determines growth and muscle development as well as beard growth in men. Psychological effects are also due to testosterone. For example, the hormone can stimulate the sex drive, but also make you more aggressive and selfish.

Interesting fact: Testosterone levels change throughout the day and are highest in the morning

2. dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

DHEA is a steroid hormone that occurs in both men and women, but behaves differently depending on the hormonal situation. In the male body it forms the precursor to testosterone. DHEA is mainly formed in the adrenal glands.

Interesting fact: DHEA preparations are available in the USA as dietary supplements, which are supposed to serve anti-aging. However, this effect is not well studied, so the use is rather not recommended.

3. androstenedione (ASD)

This hormone has the Greek term "andro" for "man" already in its name. It is a sex hormone that looks chemically quite similar to testosterone. What tasks ASD has in the body has not yet been definitively researched. The steroid hormone is sadly famous because it was used in the GDR for forced doping in competitive sports.

4. androsterone

Androsterone is a by-product of the breakdown of male hormones. However, it itself also has a masculinizing influence, i.e. it affects typically male manifestations and behaviors.

5. dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

DHT also belongs to the steroids. The hormone is formed in the body from testosterone and has, among other things, a strong effect on the prostate, body hair and beard growth. However, DHT is also responsible for genetic hair loss in men. In this widespread form of hair loss, the hair roots on the head are sensitive to the hormone DHT.

When the male hormones are out of balance

The hormone system is highly complex and has many different physical and psychological effects. Not all necessary hormones are always in the appropriate balance. Hormonal imbalances occur in men in every age group. Often this has a negative effect on potency or the prostate. Unfortunately, this is exactly why hormonal imbalances are often not treated: Many affected men are embarrassed by their difficulties, so they seek advice late.

If you want to support the balance of male hormones, you should take a closer look at our men's health category. There you will find proven and high quality herbal supplements, that can provide targeted support for men. Whether you already have health problems or want to protect yourself from them: Here you are sure to find the right product that can support you. If you are not sure which dietary supplement is optimal for you, we will be happy to advise you. We will work with you to find the right power supplement for you. Just contact us!

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