Menopausal woman

No more desire for sex during menopause? This does not have to be

Menopause is an enormous change and a burden for many women. The hormonal changes and the psychological stress can also affect the libido. Many menopausal women have less or no desire for sex. However, you don't have to simply accept this change. You can do a lot to reawaken your libido.

Menopausal woman has no desire

No desire for sex - Understanding menopause

Passion and sex are good for you, strengthen your relationship and can even have positive effects on your health. But what can you do if your desire for sex wanes during the menopause? First of all, it can help a woman to understand the reasons for this:

  • During the menopause, oestrogen levels in the body drop significantly. This not only causes menstruation to stop, but also has many other effects. Among other things, the declining sex hormone can contribute to sexual aversion.
  • In addition, many women now have to deal with getting older. The body changes, and you have to come to terms with that first. Some women feel less attractive during menopause and therefore have a reluctance to have sex.
  • Mood swings, restlessness and sleep problems are among the typical complaints of menopause. This can also affect your sex life: If you are physically and mentally unwell, you think less about sex.
  • In addition, the mucous membrane in the vagina also changes during menopause. It no longer moistens as easily, but becomes more sensitive. This can make sex uncomfortable or even cause pain.

Tips for passion in and even after menopause

Do you simply have to accept that a woman's desire for sex dwindles after the menopause? No. There are many things that can help you rediscover your libido. These are our most valuable tips for you to put an end to your lack of desire:

Seek the conversation with your partner!

In order for your sex life to improve again, your partner should know how you are feeling. Have the courage to talk openly about sex! This promotes mutual understanding and helps you to rediscover your sexual passion. Many women need a different kind of stimulation after the menopause in order to be ready for sex. Communicate this and see it as a journey of discovery together! Find out together with your partner what you need now!

Husband holds the hand of his beloved wife

Use lubricating creams!

Vaginal dryness is a widespread problem during the menopause and can lead to sexual reluctance. You can easily combat this issue with lubricants. Incorporate appropriate gels or creams into your lovemaking! This makes sex more enjoyable and you are easier to stimulate. This can significantly increase your desire for sex.

Rely on the power of plants!

There is a whole range of different medicinal plants that can help with hormone imbalances. This can have positive effects on your well-being, love life and health. In the field of women's health medpro LibitroxTM, a proven nutritional supplement with effective natural plant extracts, developed. This can help you get through menopause easier and with less discomfort. If you are not sure whether the product is suitable for you, just talk to us! We will be happy to advise you.

Talk to your gynecologist!

Many women feel ashamed when the desire for sex decreases. Others consider it a trifle. Both views unfortunately ensure that the problem is hushed up. Break through this taboo and talk to your gynecologist about your declining libido! She can give you further tips. Under certain circumstances, hormone therapy may even be useful in your case. Let yourself be thoroughly examined and advised in order to find a good individual solution!


Many women have less desire for sex during the menopause. However, this doesn't mean that you can't do anything about it and have to miss out on pleasurable sexual encounters. With a few tricks and good communication, you can soon have a fulfilling love life again.

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