Alzheimer’s dementia is probably one of the most frightening diseases of old age. In its most pronounced form, it is often accompanied by a complete change in personality. Although this form of dementia cannot yet be cured, preventative measures can be taken to reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Happy woman puts her hand towards the heart of a happy man

What are omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are so-called essential fatty acids. This means that they cannot be produced by the body itself and must be obtained from the diet. The following three are among the most important of these:

  • ALA (alpha-linolenic acid): It is found in linseed, chia seeds or walnuts, but also in the corresponding oils such as linseed oil, walnut oil, chia oil or rapeseed oil.
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid): This is contained in fatty cold-water fish such as salmon or mackerel and is also found in large quantities in krill, crustaceans, algae, fish or algae oil.
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid): This is also mainly found in marine products such as algae, fatty fish or krill, as well as in fish or algae oil.

In small quantities, the body can produce the other two omega-3 fatty acids EPA or DHA from ALA. However, production varies greatly and depends on age, metabolism and weight. A high intake of plant-based ALA is not nearly enough to compensate for an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. However, linseed oil and the like are considered good supplements. The WHO therefore recommends an intake of omega-3 fatty acids via marine products.

Why do we need omega-3 fatty acids for our heart?

The intake of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, is already important during pregnancy. A sufficient supply for the mother contributes to normal eye and brain development in the fetus. In infants, DHA should be covered by the infant formula.

Studies show that an intake of omega-3 fatty acids can protect the heart and blood vessels. The human body uses fish oil to produce eicosanoids. These are messenger substances that can reduce inflammatory reactions in the body and promote blood circulation. Studies also show that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce dangerous deposits in the blood vessels. In the worst case scenario, these could lead to strokes, vascular occlusions or heart attacks.

The GISSI study in Italy has shown just how important these omega-3 fatty acids are for the heart and blood vessels. Patients who received omega-3 fatty acid supplements after a heart attack had a 30% lower risk of a repeat heart attack or stroke. The risk of dying from sudden cardiac death was even reduced by 45%. This study was the decisive factor in the recommendation of omega-3 fatty acids being adopted by medical associations.

Another study in the Netherlands found that the risk of developing coronary heart disease was significantly reduced in subjects who ate 50 g of oily fish a day.

Food and a picture with the inscription Omega 3

What is the best way to absorb omega 3?

To prevent dangerous cardiovascular diseases, in addition to omega-3 fatty acids, you should also take in enough vitamin D in combination with vitamin K2. These vitamins support the reduction of vascular deposits.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be excellently absorbed via high-quality food supplements. NORSAN Omega-3 capsules contain natural, non-concentrated fish oil from wild-caught fish and rosemary extract as an antioxidant and are highly dosed with 1500 mg omega-3 fatty acids. The product, which is produced in Norway, is made from natural fish oil from sustainable wild catches. The omega-3 capsules have a high EPA & DHA content. EPA and DHA contribute to normal heart function. They are a good alternative for people who don’t want to take fish oil or for anyone who travels a lot. Get the omega-3 fatty acid capsules from now and improve your quality of life!

Benefit from omega-3 now!

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