What causes stress in the body?

Stress is a widespread phenomenon that is part of most people's everyday lives. Whether at work, at school, in family life or in our free time: we are constantly challenged and under pressure. But what exactly causes stress in the body and what effects does it have on our health? What can you do about it? We answer these important questions in this article.

Woman looking at her cell phone, stressed.

What is stress actually?

Stress is a natural reaction to a challenging situation. The body releases stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline so that we can save ourselves from the dangerous situation. This can be life-saving, but is really only meant for short periods of time. However, in today's world we are often exposed to chronic stress and this can cause health problems.

What are the causes of stress in the body?

Every person experiences stress differently. Therefore, the causes can also be quite different. However, some issues are particularly widespread:

  • Pressure in working life, for example due to high demands, conflicts or long working hours
  • health problems such as pain and illness
  • Worry, anxiety, grief, and other distressing feelings that occur over time or repeatedly
  • Conflicts in relationships, for example in the family, among friends or in the neighborhood
  • Environmental factors such as noise, traffic or spatial confinement
  • Time pressure and lack of time due to requirements in different areas
  • Over- or underchallenge in everyday life
  • constant accessibility

Is there good stress?

Stress is not always a burden. Anticipation, stage fright or the feelings of happiness after a success also cause a little stress in the body. But these situations also give us energy and fill us with joy. "Good stress", also called "eustress", can really inspire us and spur us on to top performance. Having stress in our lives now and then is good for us and can be great fun.

Unfortunately, however, there is also an unhealthy type of stress: When the body and mind are permanently under tension and this stress becomes burdensome, we speak of distress. It does not stimulate us, but robs us of energy and can have a problematic effect on our health.

What are the consequences of persistent stress?

Stress is actually intended as a reaction for brief dangerous situations. The brain releases hormones at lightning speed, which briefly provide us with more energy and make us wide awake. At the same time, the body saves energy in all areas that are not urgently needed at the moment. When we have to cope with an acute conflict or get to safety from a dangerous situation, this is worth its weight in gold. But this brief phase of stress should actually be followed by a phase of relaxation in which the stress hormones are released and the body and mind can regain their composure.

If the stress lasts for a long time, it harms us very much. Different symptoms and complaints can occur. Possible are for example these complaints:

  • Muscle tension
  • Headache
  • Digestive problems
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Concentration problems
  • emotional imbalance
  • dwindling self-confidence
  • Susceptibility to infections due to a reduced immune system

If we fail to reduce stress even through these warning signs, we can become seriously ill. Possible causes are, for example, cardiovascular diseases, depression, addictions or chronic gastrointestinal diseases. It is also suspected that constant stress could play a role in the development of many other diseases. So you should do something about persistent stress in good time.

Woman sitting relaxed on the sofa.

What can I do about stress?

As different as the causes are, so are the possible measures to reduce stress. Sometimes it's enough to schedule more downtime or incorporate relaxation exercises, such as yoga or meditation, into your daily routine. Sometimes you need to resolve conflicts or hand over tasks. What can support you in reducing the consequences of stress are high quality herbal supplements. These can strengthen your resilience and immune system to prevent chronic diseases and restore balance. With our products for general well-being, you have a wide choice of suitable supplements. We will be happy to advise you on which product is suitable for you, so that you can soon feel more relaxed and vital again.

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